AREX™ 400
Thus, within the extended operating region below the transition frequency, the pulse
energy/peak power will remain constant (as illustrated in the figure above). Datalogic
designates this extended region as “Constant Energy/Peak Power Region”. This region is
ideal for applications that require changing of the laser pulse frequency while keeping
pulse energy or peak power constant.
The maximum frequency of operation (fmax) depends on the pulse profile setting: for
Pulse Profiles 4 to 100ns, fmax is 500kHz; for Pulse Profile 200ns the fmax is 250kHz,
and for Pulse Profile 250ns fmax is 200kHz.
The Arex™ A20-X6X shows similar behavior for all other pulse profiles, within the same
operating conditions. For each pulse profile there is a maximum allowed input fre-
quency (fmax) and a Transition Frequency (fT) (refer to your device Test Report for
details about your specific laser). As illustrated in following picture, below the transition
frequency, the pulse peak power and energy will remain constant for all pulse profiles.
Figure 2: Typical average power (dash line) and peak power (solid line) dependence on the
frequency for the typical pulse profile available - 4ns to 250ns. Note that, typically, fT
=fmax=500kHz for 4ns Pulse Profile