Ahiba IR Pro User's Guide
View History Local
The History file is a historical data file of the last 30 programs run on the unit.
This is only viewing data. The data stored is the program number and
name, the start time and date, the end time and date, and if any errors were
User Setup Screen
The user setup screen allows administrators to configure the controller as your
lab needs prescribe:
Temperature & Time Setup
– is an icon that will allow you to adjust the
controller to display all temperatures in °C or °F. It also allows you to
adjust the date and time and format of the date and time display.
Password Setup
– is an icon that allows you assign your unique 4 digit
numeric password.
– is an icon that allows you to select one of the 7 available
languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, or
Chinese). The text under each icon will change and the menu names
and status messages will all be in the language selected.
Operator Access
– is an icon that opens a screen that allows you to
assign operator access to certain functions. These function include:
Program Maintenance
User Setup
USB Host Interface