FC 300 Operating Instructions
How to Programme
Most FC 300 parameter set-ups can be changed immediately via the control panel, unless a password has
been created via par. 0-60
Main Menu Password
or via par. 0-65
Quick Menu Password
LCP keys
indicates the status of the frequency converter or the motor. You can choose between 3 different
read-outs by pressing the [Status] key:
5 line readouts, 4 line readouts or Smart Logic Controller.
Quick Menu] allows quick access to different Quick Menus such as:
My Personal Menu
Quick Set-up
Changes Made
[Main Menu]
is used for programming all parameters.
[Alarm Log]
displays an Alarm list of the five latest alarms (numbered A1-A5). To obtain additional details
about an alarm, use the arrow keys to manoeuver to the alarm number and press [OK]. You will now receive
information about the condition of your frequency converter right before entering the alarm mode.
takes you to the previous step or layer in the navigation structure.
annuls your last change or command as long as the display has not been changed.
supplies information about a command, parameter, or function in any display window. Exit info
mode by pressing either [Info], [Back], or [Cancel].
is used for choosing a parameter marked by the cursor and for confirming the change of a parameter.
[Hand On]
enables control of the frequency converter via the LCP. [Hand on] also starts the motor, and it is
now possible to enter the motor speed data by means of the arrow keys. The key can be selected as Enable
[1] or Disable [0] via par.
0-40 [Hand on] key on LCP.
External stop signals activated by means of control signals or a serial bus will override a “start” command
given via the LCP.
is used for stopping the connected motor. The key can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0]
via par.
0-41 [Off] key on LCP.
[Auto On]
is used if the frequency converter is to be controlled via the control terminals and/or serial
communication. When a start signal is active on the control terminals and/or the bus, the frequency
converter will start. The key can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via par.
0-42 [Auto on] key on LCP.
is used for resetting the frequency converter after an alarm (trip). It can be selected as
[0] via par. 0-43
Reset Keys on LCP
keys are used for manoeuvering between commands and within parameters.
The parameter shortcut
can be carried out by holding down the [Main Menu] key for 3 seconds. The
parameter shortcut allows direct access to any parameter.
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