AKD 5000
Remote control
has been selected in parameter
002 and the frequency converter has stopped
via the control panel or a digital input (or possibly
via the serial communication port).
Stop, local (LOCAL/ STOP):
has been selected in parameter 002 and
the frequency converter has stopped via the
control panel or the digital input (or possibly via
the serial communication port).
LCP stop, remote (REM/LCP STOP):
Remote has been selected in parameter 002 and
the frequency converter has via the control panel.
The coast signal on terminal 27 is high.
LCP stop, local (LOCAL/LCP STOP):
has been selected in parameter 002 and the
frequency converter has stopped via the control panel.
The coast signal on terminal 27 is high.
Stand by (STAND BY):
Remote control has been selected in parameter
002. The frequency converter will start when
it receives a start signal via a digital input (or
the serial communication port).
Freeze output (FREEZE OUTPUT):
Remote control
has been selected in parameter 002
together with
Freeze reference
in parameter 300,
301, 305, 306 or 307, and the terminal in question
(16, 17, 29, 32 or 33) has been activated (or possibly
via the serial communication port).
Jog operation, remote controlled
Remote control
has been selected in parameter 002
in parameter 300, 301, 305, 306 or 307, and
the terminal in question (16, 17, 29, 32 or 33) has been
activated (or possibly via the serial communication port).
Jog operation, local (LOCAL/ RUN JOG):
has been selected in parameter 002 and
parameter 300, 301, 305, 306 or 307, and the terminal
in question (16, 17, 29, 32 or 33) has been activated
(or possibly via the serial communication port).
Overvoltage control (OVER VOLTAGE CONTROL):
The intermediate circuit voltage of the frequency
converter is too high. The frequency converter is trying
to avoid a trip by increasing the output frequency.
This function is activated in parameter 400.
Automatic Motor Adaptation (AUTO
Automatic Motor adaptation is running.
Quick Discharge finished (QUICK
Quick discharge has been completed successfully.
The microprocessor of the control card has stopped and
the frequency converter is out of operation. The cause
may be noise on the mains, motor or control cables,
leading to a stop of the control card microprocessor.
Check for EMC-correct connection of these cables.
Ramp stop in fieldbus mode (OFF1):
OFF1 means that the drive is stopped by ramp down.
The command to stop has been given over a fieldbus or
the RS485 serial port (select fieldbus in parameter 512).
Coast stop in fieldbus mode (OFF2):
OFF2 means that the drive is stopped by coast. The
command to stop has been given over a fieldbus or the
RS485 serial port (select fieldbus in parameter 512).
Quick stop in fieldbus mode (OFF3):
OFF3 means that the drive is stopped by quick stop.
The command to stop has been given over a fieldbus or
the RS485 serial port (select fieldbus in parameter 512).
Start not possible (START INHIBIT):
The drive is in fieldbus profile mode. OFF1, OFF2 or
OFF3 have been activated. OFF1 must be toggled
to be able to start (OFF1 set from 1 to 0 to 1).
Not ready for operation (UNIT NOT READY):
The drive is in Fieldbus profile mode (parameter
512). The drive is not ready for operation as bit
00, 01 or 02 in the control word is "0", the drive
has tripped or there is no mains supply (only seen
on units with 24 V DC supply).
Ready for operation (CONTROL READY):
The drive is ready for operation. For extended units
supplied with a 24 V DC supply the message also
comes up when there is not mains supply.
Bus jog, remote controlled (REM/RUN BUS JOG1):
Remote control has been selected in parameter 002
and the Fieldbus has been selected in parameter 512.
Bus Jog has been selected by the fieldbus or serial bus.
Bus jog, remote controlled (REM/RUN BUS JOG2):
Remote control has been selected in parameter 002
and Fieldbus has been selected in parameter 512. Bus
Jog has been selected by the fieldbus or serial bus.
MG.50.R3.02 -