AK-PC 772A
controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07
1. Go to Configuration menu
2. Select heat recovery
3. Set regulation values
3 -Heat recovery
Heat recovery mode
Thermostat: Heat recovery operated from thermostat
Digital input: Heat recovery operated from signal on a
digital input.
Heat recovery relay
Choose whether an output is required that should be
activated during heat recovery.
Heat recovery cutout
Temperature value where the thermostat cuts-out the heat
Heat recovery cutin
Temperature value where the thermostat cuts-out the heat
Use extern HR offset
Here you define how the condensing pressure (HP) shall be
regulated when the recovery circuit for heating requires
- No. No HP offset (simple control)
- Yes. Here the controller must receive a voltage signal or
a temperature signal from an external source. The offset
values that apply to the max. value must be defined.
Input type select
Temperature control
A signal from a temperature sensor must be received.
Set the reference temperature.
A 0-10 V or 0.5 V signal must be received.
Control type
Regulation with external offset: select P or PI control
Temperature reference
Reference settings at temperature control
Ampflication factor
Tn consumer filter
Averaging the consumer signal
Fan HR min.
Set point for fan control in the condenser when heat recov-
ery is called for
Fan HR offset
Temperature increase from 50% to 100% in consumer
Pgc HR min.
Pressure value when heat recovery is called for
Pgc HR offset
Pressure increase from 0 to 50% in consumer signal.
The settings are shown here in the
Configuration - continued
Setup control of heat recovery