AK-PC 772A
controller RS8HF102 © Danfoss 2017-07
10 - Misc. functions
Injection On
Select this function if a relay must be reserved for the
function. (The function must be wired to controllers with
expansion valves in order to close liquid injection for the
safety cut-out of the last compressor.)
Network: The signal is sent to the controllers via data com-
Compressor start delay
Delay time for compessor start
Injection Off delay
Delay time for "Injection off"
Liq. inj suction line
Select the function if a liquid injection is required in the
suction line in order to keep the discharge gas tempera-
ture down.
Regulation can be done either using a solenoid valve and a
TEV, or using an AKV valve.
AKV OD suction line
Opening degree of the valve in %
Inject start SH
Superheat value where the liquid injection starts
Inject diff SH
Differential when adjusted for superheat
Inject start Sd temp.
Start temperature for liquid injection in suction line
Inject diff. Sd temp.
Differential when adjusted on Sd
SH Min suction line
Minimum superheat in suction line
SH Max suction line
Maximum superheat in suction line
AKV period time
Periode time for AKV valve
Inject delay at start up
Delay time for liquid injection at start-up