DF4510HD | DF4910HD | DDF4510HDV-IM/-SM | DDF4910HDV-IM/-SM
Open the
Login options
dialogue via
common settings
User management
Login options ...
Fig. 8-6
Set the
Login mode
Note the following sections about the different login modes.
Finally, confirm with
Group Login
The group names of the three local user groups can be changed.
Note that
the factory default password of the local user group
Group 1: admin
is “
the factory default password of the local user group
Group 1: admin
must be changed
for security reasons.
the local user groups
Group 2: user
Group 3: guest
are defined without a factory
default password.
a login of the local user groups
Group 2: user
Group 3: guest
is only possible
after a password has been defined.
Open the
User groups
dialogue via
common settings
User management
User groups ...
Fig. 8-7