D-EOMOAH00903-21_01EN 13 / 37
6.6 Summer/Winter state
The AHU software provides several options for summer/winter changeover control:
Auto Mode
The controller monitors one of the several temperatures available on the AHU (Room, Return or
Outside). The value of this temperature is compared with two limits (one for summer and one for
winter) and, depending on the result of this comparison, the controller chooses the cool/heat state
for the next period.
Manual Mode
The changeover is managed via controller interface or through the Room Unit device (if installed).
Pursuit Mode
This logic can be used when it is desired to follow a temperature setpoint, regardless of the actual
heating/cooling mode of the unit.
The unit will automatically switch to Summer/Winter state when the actual controlled temperature
has passed respectively the to Summer/to Winter thresholds, which are calculated based on the
actual temperature setpoint selected.
The changeover is managed via a Building Management System (BMS) through BACnet or
Modbus protocol communication.
For additional information on summer/winter changeover logics and settings refer to
Summer/Winter state
The available summer/winter changeover modes depend on the components and functions configured
in the AHU, so the number and configuration may changes accordingly.
The AHU software provides three different options for summer/winter changeover control:
Automatic changeover based on temperature.
The controller monitors one of the several temperatures available on the AHU (Room, Return or Outside). The
value of this temperature is after compared with two limits (one for summer and one for winter) and, depending
on the result of this comparison, the controller chooses the cool/heat state for the next period.
Manually changeover via HMI or Room Unit.
Changeover managed via BMS.
All information and settings for this control are available in the following HMI page:
HMI Path: Main Menu -> Su/Wi State
The following table explains all items present in the
Su/Wi state
page and how configure them to obtain the desired