Basically the installation procedure is reverse to the removal procedure. Therefore, illustrations are
not given in this installation procedure. Refer to the illustrations in the removal procedure in cases
where any difficulty is encountered.
1. Install the removable roof hinge case with the attaching screws.
2. Install the roof window deflector panel assembly with the two attaching nuts.
3. Install the roof headlining. (Refer to the trim & garnish section.)
4. Install the sunroof opening trim molding and removable roof inner weatherstrip.
5. Install the removable roof outer weatherstrip to the roof panel.
6. Install the removable roof hinges to the removable roof panel with the attaching screws.
7. Install the removable roof trim with the retainers.
8. Install the removable roof lock base assembly to the removable roof panel with the attaching nuts.
9. Install the removable roof lock handle assembly with the attaching screws.
10. Install the removable roof lock garnish with the two attaching bolts.
11. Install the removable sunroof. (Refer to the owner’s manual.)