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Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Technical Data
III. Characteristics
IV. Description of Functions
V. Installation and Connection of IR High-speed Dome Camera
5.1 Outer shape and dimension of the unit----------------------------------13
5.2 Preparation for the installation --------------------------------------------13
5.3 Installation of Wall-mount IR High Speed Dome Camera-----------14
5.4 Installation of Pendant-mount IR High Speed Dome Camera-----18
5.5 Connection of the cables for alarm in and out -------------------------21
VI. Configuration of the system
6.1 Configuration of Communication Protocol-------------------------------24
6.2 Configuration of Baudrate----------------------------------------------------25
6.3 Configuration of Address-----------------------------------------------------25
VII. Configuration and Operations through the OSD Menu
7.1 Basic Operation ----------------------------------------------------------------29
7.2 Table for all Configuration and Operations through OSD Menu----31
7.3 Configure the information of the system ---------------------------------33
7.4 Configure the parameter of the camera module-----------------------44
7.5 Configuration of the Auto Running----------------------------------------49
7.6 Configuration of Language--------------------------------------------------58
7.7 Configuration of Alarm function---------------------------------------------59
7.8 Configuration of Privacy Mask function-----------------------------------61
7.9 Brightness control of the IR lamps-----------------------------------------63
VIII. Configuration and operation of the functions directly through the
VIV. Simple Trouble Shooting Table