Local Basic Operation
Define for several days of a week: Click
before each day one by one, the
icon switches to
. You can define the period for the selected days
2) On the timeline, left click mouse and then drag to define a period.
There are six periods in one day, the Device starts recoding the selected event
type in the defined period. In Figure 4-37, the different color bars stand for different
record types.
Green stands for general record.
Yellow stands for MD (motion detection) record.
Red stands for alarm record.
Blue stands form intelligent record.
Orange stands for MD&Alarm record.
Purple stands for POS record.
Once the time period overlaps, the record priority: MD&Alarm > Alarm >
POS > Intelligent > MD >General.
Select a record type and then click the
of the corresponding date to
clear the corresponding period.
Figure 4-37
The MD record and alarm record function are both null if you enabled MD&Alarm
Define the period by editing.
1) Select a date and then click
interface is displayed.