Operation Section
Advanced Diagnostics
Advanced Diagnostics
The MI-04 systems are equipped with built-in fault
diagnostics. Detected system faults can be
displayed by the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
as Diagnostic Fault Codes (DFC) or flash codes,
and viewed in detail with the use of service tool
software. When the ignition key is turned ON the
MIL will perform a self-test, illuminate once and
then go OFF. If a detected fault condition exists, the
fault or faults will be stored in the memory of the
small engine control module (SECM). Once a fault
occurs the MIL will illuminate and remain ON. This
signals the operator that a fault has been detected
by the SECM.
(1) Malfunction Indicator Lamp(MIL) for Engine control system
Reading Diagnostic Fault Codes
All MI-04 fault codes are two digit codes. When the
fault codes are retrieved (displayed) the MIL will
flash for each digit with a short pause (.5 seconds)
between digits and a long pause (1.2 seconds)
between fault codes. A code 12 is displayed at
the beginning of the code list.
A code 26 has been detected
(ETCSticking) and the engine has shutdown and
the MIL has remained
. When the codes are
displayed the MIL will flash one time (
), pause,
then flash two times (
). This identifies a twelve
), which is the beginning of the fault list. It will
then pause for 1.2 seconds (long pause) and flash
two times (
), pause, then flash six times (
). This
identifies a twenty-six (
), which is the
ETCSticking fault. If any additional faults were
stored the SECM would again have a long pause,
then display the next fault by flashing each digit.
Since no other faults were stored there will be a
long pause then one flash (
), pause, then two
flashes (
). This identifies a twelve meaning the
fault list will begin again.