DWS-3160 Series Gigabit Ethernet Unified Switch CLI Reference Guide
Only Administrators can issue this command.
To delete the AP Profile with ID 5:
DWS-3160-24PC:admin#delete wireless ap_profile 5
Command: delete wireless ap_profile 5
Delete AP Profile ID : 5
config wireless ap_profile
This command is used to configure an wireless access point profile. Access point profiles can be
applied to multiple physical APs.
config wireless ap_profile <int 1-16> [apply | clear | hwtype [any | hw_dwl8600 | hw_dwl3600
| hw_dwl6600] | name <name 32> | vlan [<int 0-4094> | default] | disconnected_ap
[forwarding_mode [enable | disable] | management_mode [enable | disable]] | radio <int 1-
2> [uapsd [enable | disable] | beacon_interval [<int 20-2000> | default] | channel [auto
[enable | disable] | auto_eligible [add [<int> | all] | delete [<int> | all]]] | dot11n
[channel_bandwidth [20 | 40] | primary_channel [lower | upper | default] |
short_guard_interval [enable | disable | default] | stbc_mode [enable | disable | default]] |
dtim_period [<int 1-255> | default] | status [enable | disable] | fragmentation_threshold [<int
256-2346> | default] | incorrect_frame_no_ack [enable | disable] | load_balance [state
[enable | disable] | utilization [<int 1-100> | default]] | mcs_index [add [<int 0-15> | all] |
delete [<int 0-15> | all]] | max_clients [<int 0-200> | default] | mode [a | a_n | bg | bg_n |
n_only_a | n_only_g | default] | multicast tx_rate <float> | power [auto [enable | disable] |
default_power [<int 1-100> | default]] | protection [auto | off | default] | qos [ap_edca
[background | best_effort | video | voice] [aifs [<int 1-255> | default] | cwmax [1 | 3 | 7 | 15 |
31 | 63 | 127 | 255 | 511 |1023 | default] | cwmin [1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127 | 255 | 511 | 1023 |
default] | max_burst [<int 0-999900> | default]] | station_edca [background | best_effort |
video | voice] [aifs [<int 1-255> | default] | cwmax [1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127 | 255 | 511 | 1023
| default] | cwmin [1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 31 | 63 | 127 | 255 | 511 | 1023 | default] | txop_limit [<int 0-
65535> | default]] | edca template [custom | default | voice]] | rate [basic [add <float> | delete
<float>] | supported [add <float> | delete <float>]] | rate_limit [state [enable | disable] | burst
[<int 1-75> | default] | normal [<int 1-50> | default]] | rf_scan [duration [<int 10-2000> |
default] | other_channel [mode [enable | disable] | interval [<int 30-120> | default]] | sentry
[mode [enable | disable] | channels [an | all | bgn | default]]] | rts_threshold [<int 0-2347> |
default] | station_isolation [enable | disable] | vap <int 0-15> [state [enable | disable] |
network <int 1-64>] | wmm [enable | disable]]]