Internet Server User’s Guide
System Setup
where necessary, underscores and other punctuation in-
cluded). The maximum length is 32 characters.
Default Value:
Must Be User Modified?
This variable is the user password that will
be provided to the ISP once the modem connection is estab-
lished and the username has been accepted.
It may not be possible with some ISPs to use this
variable to allow the internet server to automatically login.
In that case, it will be necessary to use the Login Script as
described below.
Login Script
The login script allows you to tailor the login process for each par-
ticular ISP. This may be necessary if a connection is not being
established even though you have entered the Username and
Password in the appropriate settings fields.
The login script has two parts; the Prompt and the Keyin. The
prompt consists of questions your ISP is asking you, for example
your username. The keyin field consists of responses to the ISP.
The data entered into these fields is case-sensitive and must be an
exact match. A carriage return <Enter> is automatically added to
the end of each keyin string.
For each line item, a prompt string and a keyin
string must be provided. The prompt string is the text dis-
played by the ISP requesting that something be entered.
The keyin string is what should be entered. Prompt strings
can be up to 25 characters long including punctuation.
Keyin strings can be up to 20 characters long including
punctuation (a maximum of 8 separate line entries).