D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Bandwidth Optimization
The Bandwidth Optimization window allows the user to manage the bandwidth of the device and arrange the bandwidth for various wireless clients.
When the Bandwidth Optimization ruile is finished, click the Add button. To discard the Add Bandwidth Optimization Rule settings, click the Clear
button. Click the Save button to let your changes take effect.
Enable Bandwidth
Downlink Bandwidth:
Uplink Bandwidth:
Allocate average BW
for each station:
Allocate maximum BW
for each station:
Allocate different BW
for a/b/g/n stations:
Allocate specific BW
for SSID:
Rule Type:
Use the drop-down menu to Enable the Bandwidth
Optimization function.
Enter the downlink bandwidth of the device in
Mbits per second.
Enter the uplink bandwidth of the device in Mbits
per second.
AP will distribute average bandwidth for each
Specify the maximum bandwidth for each
connected client. Reserve certain bandwidth for
future clients.
The weight of 802.11b/g/n and 802. 11a/n client
are 10%/20%/70% ; 20%/80%. AP will distribute
different bandwidth for 802. 11a/b/g/n clients.
All clients share the total bandwidth.
Use the drop-down menu to select the type that is
applied to the rule. Available options are: Allocate
average BW for each station, Allocate maximum
BW for each station, Allocate different BW for
1a/b/g/n stations, and Allocte specific BW for SSID.
Use the drop-down menu to toggle the wireless