of the counter will be checked. The On-response is activated if the counter has
0 value and the off-response is activated if the counter has a nonzero value.
The Cntr element is used for C-Bus, EIB Instabus, or Honeywell Smartfit
interfacing where monitoring is by means of counters. In C-Bus and EIB
systems, the counters store the current state of Group Addresses. Cntr is
available from webcom.jar version 1.0.9 onwards.
“x y” is the location of the image to be displayed. Coordinates are referenced
from the top left corner of the window and the size extends from the top left
corner of the image to the right and downwards.
“number” is the counter number which is being monitored. The allowable values
range from 0 to 255.
“On-response” is the response that will be activated when the image is clicked
when the counter has a zero value (meaning that the device monitored is off).
“Off-response” is the response that will be activated when the image is clicked
when the counter has a nonzero (1 to 255) value, (meaning that the device
monitored is on).
“Divisor” is the value that is divided into the counter value. The value for this
parameter is expressed in decimal. If the range of values desired is 0 to 100,
then the required divisor value is 2.55 (255/100).
“Q” or “R” indicates if the values of interest to be displayed is the Quotient or
Remainder of the result. Remainder is used for displaying exact values like
temperature. In most cases “Q” is used.
“start-image” is the image file which is displayed during upon starting of Java
or the lowest value image.
“value1” is the threshold value above which “value1-image” will be displayed.
In other words if the computed value is greater than or equal to “value1”, the
“value1-image” is displayed.
“valueN” is the threshold value above which “valueN-image” will be displayed.
In other words if the computed value is greater than or equal to “valueN”, the
“valueN-image” is displayed.
“Window#” is the window number which this parameter belongs to.
Note: The threshold value must be in ascending order for the system to work
Example 1:
Counter 100 value (0 to 255) at Location (10,20) represents a Group address
on EIB or C-Bus. A value of 0 indicates that the group address is Off, while 255
means the Group Address is fully On. A value between 1 and 254 indicates that
the device (normally a light) is dimmed at an intermediate level. This line will
display different images depending on the dimming level at the group address
divided into the ranges 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%.
VALUE="10, 20, 100, 201,202, 1, Q, /comfort/off.gif,
64,/comfort/25pc.gif, 128, /comfort/50pc.gif, 192, /comfort/75pc.gif, 255,
/comfort/on.gif, 1”>
In this example, 10,20 is the coordinates of the image, 100 is the counter
number, 201 is the Response which is activated when the counter value is 0,
202 is the Response which is activated when the counter value is nonzero, 1 is
the divisor (no division), Q means Quotient is used for comparison, off.gif is the
off level image, 64 is the threshold value for displaying the next parameter
Comfort Webserver Module CWM02