Cypress Envirosystems
Doc # 152-10201-01 Rev 2.0
BBS User Manual
Page 18
WFM Configuration Parameters
Figure 16. Node Configuration pop-up dialog box for WFMs
Available Node List
Nodes that can be seen by the BBS but have not been configured.
NodeID of the Cypress Envirosystems field device
Device ID
A unique identifier for a WTR device. If the user does not input a
value, the default is the NodeID number.
A basic description of the node.
Unit of measurement for each Gauge. The user will either specify the
type of measurement such as PSI, H2O, Inch, LBS, or a binary type
(TRUE/FALSE, ON/OFF or ACTIVE/INACTIVE). In case of Binary unit
type the Unit column display is empty in the Readings page. For WTRs
with Device Type = Thermocouples or Thermistors the this field can be
either “C” for Celsius or “F” for Fahrenheit
Node Detail
If a binary value was used in the “Unit” column, the type of binary is
displayed in this column. Additionally, in applications requiring a delta
reading between two existing nodes a virtual delta node can be
configured. Values for the delta nodes are computed based on the
delta logic specified and are updated whenever the existing nodes