Cypress Envirosystems
Doc # 152-10201-01 Rev 2.0
BBS User Manual
Page 14
Nodes that can be seen by the BBS but have not been configured.
NodeID of the Cypress Envirosystems field device
Device ID
A unique identifier for a WTR device. If the user does not input a value,
the default is the NodeID number.
A basic description of the node.
Unit of measurement for each Gauge. The user will either specify the
type of measurement such as PSI, H2O, Inch, LBS, or a binary type
(TRUE/FALSE, ON/OFF or ACTIVE/INACTIVE). In case of Binary unit type
the Unit column display is empty in the Readings page. For WTRs with
Device Type = Thermocouples or Thermistors the this field can be either
“C” for Celsius or “F” for Fahrenheit
Node Detail
If a binary value was used in the “Unit” column, the type of binary is
displayed in this column. Additionally, in applications requiring a delta
reading between two existing nodes a virtual delta node can be
configured. Values for the delta nodes are computed based on the delta
logic specified and are updated whenever the existing nodes change.
Node Math function
Select this for the Steam Trap node. Enter Node1 and Node2 that will be
used to calculate the reading for new node. E.g. Node3 = Node1-Node2
Precision is used to set the number of decimal places to display on the
readings page. If no precision is used, decimal places will be displayed
depending on how large or small the reading value is at the time.
Update Rate
Update rate as it has been configured on the field device (duration of
time between samples). This is used to determine if the field device is
inactive (no wireless data). Changing this value does not change the
update rate on the field device.
Enable Alarm
This field must be checked for the SMS alarm to be activated for the
node. If a limit is exceeded, and the SMS Alarm box is checked for the
node, an SMS Text message and/or email will be sent to all SMS Alarm
Alarm Excursion #
This is the number of consecutive times the node data limit has is
exceeded before an SMS and/or Email notification is sent. (Only works
when SMS Alarm is checked)
Min Alarm Threshold
This is a specified lowest allowable value. If the node reading drops
below this number, an alarm condition is created.
Max Alarm Threshold
This is a specified highest allowable value. If the node reading rises
above this number, an alarm condition is created.
WGR Configuration
Select this radio button if configuring a WGR