Safety instructions governing speci c operational
Avoid any operational mode that might be prejudicial to
Take the necessary precautions to ensure that the machine
is used only when in a safe and reliable state. Operate the
machine only if all protective and safety– oriented devi-
ces, such as removable safety devices, emergency shut–off
equipment, sound–proo ng elements and exhausters, are
in place and fully functional.
Check the machine/plant at least once per working shift
for obvious damage and defects. Report any changes (incl.
changes in the machine’s working behaviour) to the com-
petent organization/person immediately. If necessary, stop
the machine immediately and lock it.
In the event of malfunctions, stop the machine/plant imme-
diately and lock it. Have any defects recti ed immediately.
Before starting up or setting the machine/plant in motion,
make sure that nobody is at risk.
Never switch off or remove suction and ventilation devices
when the machine is in operation.
Brief operating personnel before beginning special opera-
tions and maintenance work, and appoint a person to su-
pervise the activities.
Ensure that the maintenance area is adequately secured!
Lift units must be secured by mechanical fall–safety units
(clamps), before entering the machine!
If the machine/plant is completely shut down for mainte-
nance and repair work, it must be secured against inadver-
tent starting by:– locking the principal control elements and
removing the ignition key and/or– attaching a warning sign
to the main switch.
Carry out maintenance and repair work only if the machine
is positioned on stable and level ground and has been se-
cured against inadvertent movement and buckling!
To avoid the risk of accidents, individual parts and large as-
semblies being moved for replacement purposes should be
care-fully attached to lifting tackle and secured. Use only
suitable and technically perfect lifting gear and suspension
systems with adequate lifting capacity. Never work or stand
under suspended loads!
The fastening of loads and the instructing of crane opera-
tors should be entrusted to experienced persons only. The
mars-holler giving the instructions must be within sight or
sound of the operator.
For carrying out overhead assembly work always use speci-
ally designed or otherwise safety–oriented ladders and wor-
king platforms. Never use machine parts as a climbing aid.
Wear a safety harness when carrying out maintenance work
at greater heights. Keep all handles, steps, handrails, plat-
forms, landings and ladders free from dirt, snow and ice.
Clean the machine, especially connections and threaded
unions, of any traces of oil, fuel or preservatives before
carrying out maintenance/repair. Never use aggressive de-
tergents. Use lint–free cleaning rags.
Before cleaning the machine with water, steam jet (high–
pressure cleaning) or detergents, cover up or tape shut all
openings which – for safety and functional reasons – must
be protected against water, steam or detergent penetra-
tion. Special care must be taken with electric motors and
switchgear cabinets.
Ensure during cleaning of the machine that the tempera-
ture sensors of the re– warning and re– ghting systems
do not come into contact with hot cleaning agents as this
might activate the re– ghting system.
After cleaning, remove all covers and tapes applied for that
After cleaning, examine all fuel, lubricant, and hydraulic
uid lines for leaks, loose connections, chafe marks and
damage. Any defects found must be recti ed without delay.
Always tighten any screwed connections that have been
loosened during maintenance and repair.
Any safety devices removed for set–up, maintenance or re-
pair purposes must be re tted and checked immediately
upon completion of the maintenance and repair work.
Ensure that all consumables and replaced parts are dispo-
sed of safely and with minimum environmental impact.
Before setting the machine in motion always check that the
accessories have been safely stowed away.
Avoid any operation that might be a risk to machine stability.
Do not step on conveying equipment.