Reviewer Guide
4. Enable
By default, UPnP is enabled in NetGenie.
1. Log in to NetGenie with administrator credentials.
2. Go
3. Click checkbox against Enable UPnP if it is disabled.
4. Click
Screen- Enable UPnP
5. Single Window Supported Browser
There are chances that your smartphone may not support multi window browsers which means
you will first need to exit the authentication window in order to surf the Web.
If the problem persists, please contact NetGenie Customer Support Center for assistance.
I want to allow or block some websites for all users; do I need to individually configure this
setting for each and every user?
Is there any way to allow/block websites globally?
No, you do not need to individually allow or block websites for each and every user.
1. Log in to NetGenie with administrator credentials.
2. Go
Family Protection
Website Exceptions
to allow or block one or multiple
websites globally.
3. Click to add or
to remove Website(s) in globally allowed or blocked list.
4. Click Apply to save changes.
Screen- Website Exceptions
Does NetGenie allow access to uncategorized websites?
How can I block the websites, which are not categorized by NetGenie?
By default, NetGenie allows access to those Websites, which are not categorized under
NetGenie’s Web filtering database. To block access to uncategorized Websites,
1. Log in to NetGenie with administrator credentials.
2. Go