4. Set the Third Position- Full Closed (Up for Horizontal
Blinds or Right for Vertical Blinds)
Twist the E-Wand TWIST HANDLE
again in the SAME direction [Fig. 4.6] so
the slats reach the FULL UP OR RIGHT
Be careful not to over tighten
the slats. The E-Wand should beep if it
detects over-tightening.
Press and hold the PROGRAMMING
BUTTON. You will hear a TRIPLE BEEP
(3) [Fig. 4.7], then release.
Figure 4.6; Twist
Blinds to Full
Figure 4.7;
Push and Hold
3. Set the Second Position- Full Open
Twist the E-Wand TWIST HANDLE [Fig.
4.4] in the OPPOSITE direction than the
first phase of programming to move the
slats to the FULL OPEN position, then
release the TWIST HANDLE.
Note: During twisting, if you move past the full open position, do not
twist the opposite way back to full open. Instead, restart programming.
To get out of programming mode, power cycle the unit by unscrewing and
re-tightening the battery cap. You have successfully power cycled when you
hear a tune.
Figure 4.4; Twist
Blinds to Full
Figure 4.5;
Push and Hold
Press and hold the PROGRAMMING
BUTTON. You will hear a DOUBLE BEEP
(2) [Fig. 4.5], then release.