Errors and Alert Codes
Cat. No. 01024000
Errors and Alert Codes
FEB-01-13 12:11P
1. When the controller identifies that an error has occurred, it is programmed to take
steps to attempt to correct the error on its own. If it is unable to correct the prob-
lem, the controller will display the message “PROBLEM FOUND.”
When an error message is displayed, press
on the keypad to display the detected error condition(s). Some of these
messages will also provide additional information to help correct the error.
If the main screen displays PROBLEM FOUND it indicates that there are one or more errors detected in the deionization
system. Press
to display the first error present. Press
to show any additional errors present. At the bottom of this
list the user can press
to clear the error or press
to exit and return to the home screen. Press
on the “CLEAR
THE ERROR” message causes the controller to re-check to see if the error condition still exists, if it still exists, the error
will remain displayed on the main screen. If the error no longer exists the controller will display the home screen.
Reason for Error
Comment/ Clearing Error Message
Min Capacity Err
Water quality has dropped below spec-
ified target levels and has not returned
after a quality rinse attempt. The total
number of gallons treated since the pre-
vious regeneration is less than the spec-
ified minimum capacity value.
Check the supply of deionization chemicals.
Recovery Mode
Press Any Key To
Resume Regen
This error occurs when electrical power
is lost during regeneration. This screen
is displayed when power is restored.
While this message is displayed, no product water is
available. Depending upon when power is lost, it is
possible that a small amount of regenerant is in one of
the resin tanks.
Press any key when the error message is displayed.
This initiates a complete regeneration starting with the
cation backwash cycle.
Regen Qual Error
During the last step of regeneration
(Fast Rinse Anion) the TDS value is
compared to the TDS limit value with
one minute remaining in this cycle. A
value above the tds limit triggers error
Check the supply of regeneration chemicals.
Hi TDS Alarm
If the TDS limit exceeds the TDS alarm
limit for a 15-second period the system
will display error mode “Hi TDS Alarm.”
Check the supply of regeneration chemicals.