Purpose of each level of filtration
Pre-filtration for this system is used to reduce large contaminants from the water before they reach the reverse osmosis
membrane� The use of pre-filtration helps extent the membrane’s life� There are two types of filtration that come in your
2-in-1 pre-filter: sediment filtration and carbon filtration�
Sediment Filtration:
Sediment is defined as sand, dirt, silt, fine sand and or coarse sand that can be found in
many water supplies�
Carbon Filtration:
Carbon is used to reduce chlorine taste and odor� Most people often describe this taste as
being slightly chemical or they equate their drinking water to that of the local pool� Municipalities use chlorine to
disinfect the water on the way to your home� This is a necessary step to delivering safe water to your home but
depending on the level of chlorine by the time it reaches your home the taste of your water may be unpalatable�
Membrane Technologies
The Aquasential
RO and Smart RO Advanced Drinking Water System reverse osmosis membranes utilize a tightly
woven membrane that acts as a barrier to contaminants� Water is pushed up against this membrane at pressure�
Depending on the weave of the membrane only a certain percentage of contaminants can pass through� Reverse
Osmosis can reduce up to 99% of contaminants�
Advanced Filtration
The advanced filtration cartridges are specifically designed to reduce contaminants that reverse osmosis membranes are
not efficient in removing�
Total Defense
The Total Defense cartridge should be added to your system to deal with lead, mercury, aesthetic chloramines*, aesthetic
chlorine taste and odor, cysts, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and MTBE�
• Chloramines* have a stronger taste and are more difficult to remove than chlorine�
• Mercury is a toxin that can cause kidney damage�
• Lead is a toxin that can cause kidney problems or high blood pressure in adults and developmental problems in children�
• Cysts are a common cause of health issues� They can be found in some municipal water sources but more often
found in wells under the influence of surface water�
• VOC is a name given to a wide range of organic contaminants, some are known to be carcinogenic�
• MTBE was used in gasoline to reduce emissions and is considered harmful�
* Total Defense TD 1 WQA certified for chloramines only
Mineral Boost
The Mineral Boost cartridge adds healthy amounts of natural calcium minerals back into reverse osmosis water to create
amazing tasting, optimally alkaline, pH balanced water� Benefits include:
• Raises RO water TDS by 20 ppm to 30 ppm
• Raises RO water pH by 1 to 2 pH
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