Check that all the elements of the machine are in good position and that the machine's plug is connected to the electric network
of (230 V - 220 V - 110 V).
The switch button is located in the right side of the machine; to switch it in press the button in a way that the circle is in the
area that stands out. (FIG. 1)
To stop the machine, press the switch in a way that the line is in the area that stands out. (FIG. 1)
The model F-50-A, F-50AC, Self-Service, Freezer has an independent start switch button for the feeder, at the right top of the
FIG. 1
Before start working, read carefully these indications:
Once the operation of installation and electrical connection have been carried out, the machine is ready to be used.
Place each of the plastic buckets in the two sides of the machine and a recipient (glass, jar,...) in the base for glasses. In the
F-Compact model, place the bucket in the left side and the recipient over the base for glasses in the right one.
Make sure that switch button is in the OFF position. In the F-50 A, F-50AC, Self-Service, Freezer model, check that the feeder
switch is also off. Connect the plug of the machine to the electric net (FIG.2)
Make sure that the cover is closed.
Push the switch button ON: the machine will begin to work immediately. In the F-50-A, F-50AC, Self-Service, Freezer model,
press the feeder switch button before the main one in order the machine begins to work.
Put the citrus fruits in the feeding ramp or feeder. In the F-50 A, F-50AC, Self-Service, Freezer, load the feeder system (FIG.3)
- At the front side there are two switches to start the machine working:
- General Pump (1) to start the machine and the mixer. When the switch lights is on it, means that the machine and the mixer
are turned on.
- Cold (2) to start cooling the product. When the switch lights is on, it means that the compresor is on.
- To draw the drink from the machine push the glass aganist the tap lever.
The machines are prepared to squeeze oranges, lemons, limes, mandarins and grapefruits, whenever you respect the dimensions or
recommended diameter in each one of the models.