Version 2.20.2017
Page 8 of 24
The channel is the radio frequency the cameras use to transmit images. All cameras on your
network must be set to the same channel. CuddeLink has 16 channels available numbered 1
thru 16. You can choose any number you like, but do not choose a channel number used by
another network in the immediate area.
Step 4. Network Control – Overview
This information can be confusing for first time users. You may want to use the default CL
DELAY and CL COUNT setting for the first few weeks and then come back and review this
The CuddeLink network, like all wireless networks, has limits to how much data
can be transmitted in a specific amount of time. Think of the CuddeLink network as highway
where only so much traffic can pass in a given amount of time, and the more traffic on the
highway the slower it moves and the longer it takes to reach a destination. Your cameras can
send all the images they record, but this can create a backlog of images that will require more
time to transfer HOME.
With 5 or more cameras the network limit is about 24MB (about 1000 images) per day. If you
deploy 5 cameras this averages to 200 images per camera per day. For 10 cameras the average
is 100 images per day per camera. Actual throughput will vary with each network setup and
image size.
When a camera records an image the full size image is placed on the SD card, and a
compressed image is placed into a transmission queue where the image waits its turn to
transmit home. Cameras can queue up 100s or even 1000s of images that will eventually be
transmitted home.
However, sending all images is not necessarily best. The network of cameras may record more
images then can be transmitted in a reasonable amount of time, resulting in hours or even days
for an image to get transmitted home. You will want to control how much image traffic you put
on your CuddeLink network. CuddeLink has 2 methods for you to control the images a camera
Note – all images the camera records are saved on the remote camera’s SD card. This
discussion only applies to images transmitted to the HOME camera.