Version 2.20.2017
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pick a new 10-based number that is not being used).
This method will assure you never have
duplicate CL LOCs and creates a new image folder each time a camera is moved.
this is folder where images from camera with CL LOC 010
are saved
this is folder where images from camera with CL LOC 020
are saved
this is folder where images from camera with CL LOC 021
are saved
. With 15 remote camera it can be difficult to determine where an image was taken.
We recommend you use CAM ID to define the location of the camera as this will make it easy
for you to determine where the images were taken. Each time you move the camera you should
assign a new CAM ID that defines the new location. Some examples of names that we have
used are POND FIELD, VISION TRAIL, HILL TOP. The CAM ID is printed on the image and makes
it easy to determine where an image was taken.
CuddeLink Field Deployment
Setting up a CuddeLink network is easy, but to assure cameras are connected you
cameras in proper sequence. Deploying a network of cameras is comparable to making a chain
and you are adding links to the chain.
Step 1 – Deploy the Home Camera
Assign one CuddeLink camera to be HOME by setting the CL MODE to HOME.
We recommend you place the included HOME sticker to the inside of the camera’s UI door.
Use the COMMANDS menu to assign a CL LOC of 010 to this camera. We recommend you
write 10 on the HOME sticker.
Set the CL CHANNEL. The CL CHANNEL prevents neighboring CuddeLink cameras from
accessing your network. If there are no other networks in your area you can select any
numbers you like. CuddeLink performance is not affected by the channel number. If you