no vlan dot1q-vlan trunk-vlan [1-
Remove the selected ports
’ from the
specified trunk VLAN.
no vlan port-based [name]
Delete the selected ports from the
specified port-based VLAN.
VLAN & interface command example
Switch(config)# interface 1-3
Enter port 1 to port
3’s interface mode.
Switch(config-if-1-3)# vlan dot1q-vlan access-
vlan 10
Set port 1 to port 3
’s Access-VLAN ID
(PVID) to 10.
Switch(config-if-1-3)# vlan dot1q-vlan mode
Set the selected ports to access mode
Switch(config-if-1-3)# vlan dot1q-vlan mode
trunk native
Enable native VLAN for untagged
Switch(config-if-1-3)# vlan port-based
Set the selected ports to the specified
port-based VLAN
2. Modify a 802.1q VLAN and a management VLAN rule or create a port-based VLAN group.
Port-based VLAN can effectively segment one network into several broadcast domains.
Broadcast, multicast and unknown packets will be limited to within the VLAN. Port-Based VLAN is
uncomplicated and fairly rigid in implementation and is useful for network administrators who wish
to quickly and easily set up VLAN so as to isolate the effect of broadcast packets on their network.
VLAN dot1q command
Switch(config)# vlan dot1q-vlan
Enter a VID number to modify an
existing 802.1q VLAN.
Note :
802.1q VLAN ID need to be
created under interface global
command. In here you can only
modify it instead of creating a
new VLAN ID.
Switch(config-vlan-ID)# name
Specify a descriptive name for this
VLAN ID, max 15 characters.
Switch(config)# vlan isolation
To assign uplink ports which will
form a port-based VLAN group
with all other downlink ports
seperatedly so to isolated downlink
ports from each other except from
uplink ports.
Switch(config)# vlan
management-vlan [1-4094]
management-port [port_list] mode
[trunk | access]
Enter the management VLAN ID.
Specify the management port
[trunk |
Specify whether the management
port is in trunk or access mode.
“trunk” mode:
Set the selected
ports to tagged.