Spanning-tree command
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree aggregated-port
Enable Spanning Tree Protocl function
on aggregated ports.
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree aggregated-port cost [0-
[0-200000000] Specify aggregated ports
’ path cost.
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree aggregated-port priority
Specify aggregated ports
’ priority.
0=0, 1=16, 2=32, 3=48, 4=64, 5=80
6=96, 7=112, 8=128, 9=144, 10=160
11=176, 12=192, 13=208, 14=224,
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree aggregated-port edge
Enable aggregated ports to shift to
forwarding state when the link is up.
If you know a port is directly connected
to an end device (that doesn't support
RSTP) then set it as an edge port to
ensure maximum performance. This will
tell the switch to immediately start
forwarding traffic on the port and not
bother trying to establish a RSTP
connection. Otherwise, turn it off.
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree aggregated-port p2p
[forced_true | forced_false |
[forced_true |
forced_false |
Set the aggregated ports to non-point to
point ports (forced_false) or allow the
Managed Switch to detect point to point
status automatically (auto). By default,
aggregated ports are set to point to point
ports (forced_true).
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree delay-time [4-30]
Specify the Forward Delay value in
seconds. The allowable value is between
4 and 30 seconds.
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree hello-time [1-10]
Specify the Hello Time value in seconds.
The allowable value is between 4 and 30
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree max-age [6-200]
Specify the Maximum Age value in
seconds. The allowable value is between
6 and 200.
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree priority [0-15]
Specify a priority value on a per switch
basis. The allowable value is between 0
and 15.
0=0, 1=4096, 2=8192, 3=12288,
5=20480, 6=24576, 7=28672, 8=32768
9=36864, 10=40960,
13=53248, 14=57344, 15=61440
Switch(config)# spanning-
tree version [compatible |
[compatible |
Set up RSTP version.
means that the Managed
Switch is compatible with STP.
means that the Managed
Switch uses RSTP.