PA PowerStation User Guide
Chapter 1: Manual Overview and Support Services
Documentation Components
The PA PowerStation documentation set contains all the information
you need to configure, install, and use the PA PowerStation. The PA
PowerStation documentation set is described below.
Release Notes - This document is provided whenever there is
important information about the PA PowerStation that does not appear
in this manual. Be sure to read any available release notes before
installing or operating the unit.
PowerStation PA Series User Guide - This is the document you are
reading. It provides detailed information about the PA PowerStation
and describes how to configure, install, and use the unit. Please read
this manual in its entirety before operating the unit.
PA PowerStation Template - This document is a full-size template of
the PA PowerStation that you can use to prepare the location where you
want to install the unit.
CTC pre-loads each PA PowerStation with Datalight’s ROM-DOS
operating system, the MachineShop Shell, and necessary utilities so
that you can run the PowerStation immediately upon its arrival at your
facility. CTC also provides backup copies of PowerStation and
MachineShop software on the MachineShop Installation CD shipped
with the PowerStation.
Getting Started
Now that you have opened the PA PowerStation package, you are
ready to unpack the unit, develop an application, and install the
PowerStation in a permanent location. This section provides an
overview of these activities. Additional information is available in the
remaining chapters of this manual.
Before You Begin
Before you begin operating the PA PowerStation, please complete the
following steps:
1. Unpack the PowerStation, and verify that you have received all the
components you ordered.
2. Fill out the product registration card, and return it to CTC.
3. Backup the CTC software that was pre-installed on your unit using
the Windows File Manager/Explorer or the ROM-DOS Diskcopy