Crystal Vision
Problem solving
TANDEM-300 User Manual R1.2
The Mux Output status-only display is summarised below:
Audio output status examples and comments
or C=n_Mx_Err
C Mux (embedder) status, where n is output Audio Group
selected. Mx_Err indicates that data could be damaged
Example: C=2_1-34_O, Audio Group 2 selected and Audio
Groups 1, 3 and 4 present at C embedder input, Other data
or D=n_Mx_Err
Not used by TANDEM-300
Codes: Ctg, Ovr,
Blk, Del, na
SDI1 Mux Output Modes
Ctg - indicates Contiguous mode
Ovr - indicates Overwrite mode (non-contiguous)
Blk - indicates that the input HANC has been deleted
Del - indicates Mark for Deletion has been selected
Example: Mx_Ctg_Blk, Embedded audio in SDI 1 output is
Contiguous, SDI2 original HANC data has been deleted.
Codes: V, o, na
SDI1 & SDI2 AES Input Validity Bit Status. Format is
MxVb_12_34 for four AES inputs.
This shows the AES ‘V’ bits on any incoming digital audio
feeds to DIP2 PCBs fitted for SDI1 or SDI2 multiplexers.
V - indicates active high or Validity Error
o - indicates Validity OK
na – indicates no DIP2 PCB
Example: Mx_VV_na, AES inputs on DIP2 side 1 has
Validity Bit set high, but side 2 has no DIP2 fitted.
Mux status SEL ‘9’, ‘A’ and ‘B’ can be used to discover what has happened to the SDI
HANC content. If HANC Blanking has been selected, then there will be nothing in the
output (C= ----) or only one Audio Group inserted by the Multiplexer (C=1 1)
If Mx_Err is displayed in SEL ‘C’ menu it is warning that data could be damaged during
embedding. A likely cause might be that unsuitable embedding settings have been
selected when pre-existing audio or data already exists. In this case blank the entire
HANC to intentionally remove ALL pre-existing embedded audio data on the incoming
SDI signal. The SEL ‘B’ status menu will then show Blk for the output affected.
If the Validity bit is set high in the SEL ‘C’ status menu, it indicates that non-linear or
compressed audio data may be present. It is unlikely that this audio will be directly
usable if an attempt to convert it to listenable ‘audio’ in a digital to analogue conversion.
It is not recommended to attempt to listen to AES streams that have the Validity bit set
on headphones or loud speakers as damage to hearing or equipment may result.