Crystal Vision
TANDEM-300 User Manual R1.2
1 Introduction
The TANDEM-300 (Twin ANalogue or Digital EMbedder/de-embedder) Audio
Processor is based on the TANDEM-100/200 architecture to provide audio-processing
functions for embedded, analogue and AES/EBU audio.
TANDEM-300 accepts either a single or dual SDI inputs with or without embedded audio
and may be equipped with up to two piggyback audio option cards to provide for
analogue or digital external audio inputs or outputs. Audio may be selected from any
input and routed to the SDI output for embedding or any audio output option card that
may be fitted.
The available audio processing functions are:
Audio gain adjustment
Audio replacement
Channel swapping / shuffling
Stereo to mono conversion
Phase reversal
Dual SDI inputs and dual de-embedders for to allow audio to be transferred
from second SDI input (Audio Bridge)
Audio delay
TANDEM-300 basic architecture
The external digital reference is either Word Clock or an AES reference and is only used
for digital output option cards.