Crystal Vision
Indigo 4 User Manual R1.7
1 Introduction
The Indigo range comprises four frame types: 4U frames for up to 24 modules, 2U frames
for up to 12 modules, 1U frames for up to six modules and 1U desk top boxes for up to
two modules.
There are two 4U frame variants - passive front panel and a Statesman enabled version
with Ethernet capability.
This manual covers:
Indigo 4 with passive front panel
Indigo 4SE Ethernet capable Statesman enabled with active panel, no controls or display.
The frames provide configurable rear connections and the facility for a maximum of three
separate plug-in power supplies. This allows a dual supply facility for redundancy and
continued operation in the event of a power supply failure. A hinged front panel and
removable fan assembly provides access to the power supply unit and all of the modules.
The Crystal Vision Indigo 4 frame with front control panel open