Crystal Vision
Indigo 4 User Manual R1.7
2.4 Setting frame address
The frame address, which only relates to a non-passive panel, is normally set to zero.
However unique frame addresses are required in Statesman systems where multiple
frames communicate with a single PC port.
Indigo active/remote/Statesman panel hardware settings – Frame address
Passive panels do not have a Frame Address switch.
Rotary switch
Frame Address
Normally zero
This is usually the address of the frame from 0 to 15.
The frame address only relates to Indigo 4S (now obsolete)
is normally set to zero.
However unique frame addresses are required in Statesman systems where multiple
frames communicate with a single PC port.
Set this switch to position 0, unless multiple frames communicate with a single PC port
in a Statesman system, or if multiple control panels connect to a single frame via one
multidrop cable.
Statesman will display the Hex switch settings 0 to E as frame addresses 1 to F; switch
setting F will be displayed as frame address 10.