Crystal Vision
1 Introduction
The Indigo range comprises of three frame types: 2U frames for up to 12 modules, 1U frames
for up to six modules and desk top boxes for up to two modules.
This manual covers Indigo 1U frame types:
Indigo 1AE
- Ethernet capable with active smart CPU, integrated control panel and display
Indigo 1SE
- Ethernet capable with active smart CPU. No integrated control panel nor display
Indigo 1AE-DP
- Ethernet capable with active smart CPU, integrated control panel and
display. Has dual redundant power supplies
Indigo 1SE-DP
- Ethernet capable with active smart CPU. No integrated control panel nor
display. Has dual redundant power supplies
Each 1U frame can be used with any single or double slot rear module in the Crystal Vision
Indigo range. There is a single slot for the one or two plug-in power supplies.
A hinged front panel allows easy access to removable fan assemblies, the installed modules
and the power supply – or supplies in the case of the Indigo 1-DP frame.
The Indigo 1AE Crystal Vision frame
The Indigo 1SE Crystal Vision frame
The 1AE versions have an active control panel built into them that remains forward facing,
allowing panel operation even when the front panel is open.
The Indigo 1AE Crystal Vision frame with front control panel open
There is an easily accessible front fan fitted on a detachable plate in front of the PSU.
Additionally a pair of removable fans are fitted at the rear of the front panel on the left.
If the front panel is opened an optical sensor switches the PSU fan to fast operation and the
panel mounted fan is switched off. If one fan fails, or operates too slowly, the other fan is
automatically switched to full power and an alarm raised.
A frame temperature sensor mounted above the top central module position (slot 3) controls
fan speed.
Indigo 1 User Manual R1.14
27 February 2020