I Product Description
This supplement covers information not included in the standard Series 32 installation manual that is unique to the
following models:
32-380WNLECS, 32-475WNLECS
32-380WNTECS, 32-475WNTECS
32-380SNLECS, 32-475SNLECS
Follow the Series 32 installation instructions except where noted in this supplement.
II Specifications
32-380ECS Dimensional Data (Refer to Figure 1 in Installation Manual):
Jacket Overall Length (“A”): 31 1/4”
Vent Collar Dia. (“B”): 12”
Vent Centerline (“N”): 15 5/8”
Number of Flue Outlets: 1
32-380ECS Specifications:
Number of Sections: 5
Input (MBH): 380
I=B=R Gross Output (MBH): 304
I=B=R Net Rating (MBH Water): 264
I=B=R Net Rating (MBH Steam): 228
I=B=R Net Rating (ft2 Steam): 950
Combustion Effy. (%): 80.5
Steam Water Volume to Normal Water Line (Gal): 24.51
Water Boiler Volume (Gal): 34.13
Output (BHP): 9.1
Arrangement of Steam Riser Connections, Draft Hoods, and Base Assemblies:
The 32-380ECS has the same basic
configuration as that shown for the 32-475 in figure 2A of the installation manual.
32-475ECS Specifications
- Refer to 32-475 specifications in the installation manual.
III Before Installing
Refer to installation manual. Also note that a CSD-1 compliant gas train is not available for the 32-475ECS.
IV Locating the Boiler
Refer to installation manual. Minimum required room volume for 32-380ECS is 436 ft
(Table 2).
V. Knockdown Boiler Assembly Instructions -
Refer to installation manual
VI Air for Combustion and Ventilation -
Refer to installation manual