CCpilot VS 12”
Product revision: A
Technical Manual
Table 1: LED and buzzer indication for different operational states
Operational state
LED indication
Buzzer notification
Device off
Power applied, device off
Starting up
Yellow flashing, 2 Hz
Short beep
Operating (started up)
Static green
Shutting down
Static green
Forced shutdown
Blue flashing, 2 Hz
short beep
Rescue mode, starting
Static orange
Short beep
Rescue mode, running
Green flashing, 2 Hz
Software upgrade
Yellow flashing, 0.5 Hz
Error codes
The LED in the on/off button is also used for indicating error codes by emitting a blue blinking
pattern after shutdown of the device. The device may be started again when in this mode, by the
button or the key switch signal. Depending on the nature of the error, the device may start or go
back into error indication.
When an error occurs, the device is immediately shut down and the error is reported by blinking a
specific number of times corresponding to an error code (see table of error codes). The blinks will
be in a continuous sequence of 1 Hz blinks, with a longer pause of two seconds after the specific
number of blinks, allowing the end user to count the number of blinks. Refer to Figure 1 below for
an example.
Figure 6: Example of the blinking pattern for error code 3
When an error occurs, an error code is also immediately saved to persistent storage (FRAM). If
several errors occur before the device it is shut down, only the code of the first error is saved and
reported. The error code in persistent storage can be read and cleared from a user application.
Refer to Table 2: CCpilot VS 12” error codes for a complete listing of the error codes.
The number of blinks is important information if the unit is sent in for service/repair.
Table 2: CCpilot VS 12” error codes
Error code
Error code name
Likely problem cause
Corrupted FRAM. Invalid values. FRAM
may need to be manually
reprogrammed or replaced.
Corrupted FRAM. Invalid values. FRAM
may need to be manually
reprogrammed or replaced.
FRAM or light sensor malfunction.
Problem with cable to button/USB PCB.
Timeout waiting for the MP_DONE
signal – MP error. Boot loader missing.
Faulty or unprogrammed eMMC.
Internal or external voltages did not
stabilize during start-up. Power supply