The imaging of some media may result in airborne emissions. This notice is
intended to provide general information relating to these emissions only. For
information specific to particular media, please see the media manufacturer's
MSDS or other documentation.
The by-products of the imaging of printing media may include one or more of:
aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde); oxides (nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide,
carbon monoxide); volatile organic compounds and olefins (benzene,
1,3-butadiene); other gaseous compounds (hydrogen cyanide, and so on); and
particulate matter (dust). This list is not comprehensive, and other compounds
may be present in the emissions, depending on particular media.
To help prevent contamination and to improve reliability of imaging, the Creo
output device may include a debris removal system containing a filtration unit,
either internal or external (for example, a universal debris removal cabinet),
corresponding to qualified media used at a particular site. Depending on the
configuration of the filtration unit, the unit may trap dust only (for example,
UDRC-BP), or it may trap dust and a number of gaseous by-products of the
imaging process (for example, UDRC-LC). It is critical to change the filters in the
filtration unit on a regular basis.
Not all emissions can be efficiently captured by filtration. Sufficient outdoor air
ventilation must be provided in rooms where Creo output devices and filtration
units are located. The requirements to ventilation rate are contained in either the
output device
Site Preparations and Requirements
document or another applicable