This manual provides you with information on how to set up and use your motherboard:
Chapter 1, “The M000 Motherboard”
Gives you a list of the motherboard’s capabilities and features. It also provides the
motherboard’s technical specifications and a diagram of the motherboard’s layout.
Chapter 2, “The Pentium® II Processor”
Gives you a brief introduction of the Intel
Pentium II processor and shows you how to
mount the processor on the motherboard.
Chapter 3, “The Celeron™ Processor”
Gives you a brief introduction of the Intel Celeron processor and shows you how to mount
the processor on the motherboard.
Chapter 4, “Connectors”
Provides information on the connectors on your motherboard.
Chapter 5, “Jumper Settings”
Provides information on the location and settings of the jumpers on your motherboard.
Chapter 6, “Memory Configuration and BIOS Settings”
Provides instructions on how to specify BIOS settings in the CMOS Setup utility. It also
provides a list of descriptions for the setup items.