You will have to experiment with temperature and dwell times, depending on the substrate, foil and room temperature but once you get the hang of it
you will find your ImPress simple and fun to use. Just to make sure you and your ImPress get off on the right footing, follow these simple rules for setting
up to get the best out of your unit right from the start.
Make sure the CraftDragon® ImPress is sitting firm and level on a solid surface such as a kitchen worktop, solid desk, table or workbench, as
any give in the supporting surface will affect the resulting print.
Make sure that the working height is comfortable, but at the right height to allow you to apply pressure to the press.
Keep the room you are working in at a steady temperature if possible.
For hot foil stamping, stick the make-ready mat in position on the platen using the following method:
1. Remove the backing sheet from the make ready
2. Trim 2cm off 2 adjacent edges of the backing sheet
3. Reapply the backing sheet to the centre of the adhesive layer of the Make-ready mat.
4. Place the Make-ready mat blue face up and press down the edges to enhance adhesion
Before switching on, insert your chosen die in the centre channel.
Swivel the retaining clip on the end of the channel into a down position to retain the die in place.
Turn the temperature dial up to the required setting and allow the print head to warm through thoroughly for at least 10 minutes (the longer the
Test the printing temperature of your foils (normally between 4 and 5 on the dial , depending on the foil and the substrate you are using) before
proceeding to your actual project.
You’re ready to go - have fun!
For further hints and tips go to:
Setting up your CraftDragon® ImPress
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