It may be necessary to reset service parameters that compensate for certain mechanical tolerances. These
parameters are listed on a label inside the printer and may be reentered if necessary by the 94 FUNCT(see
3.6.3). If mechanical parts are replaced some parameters may have to be reset. New parameter values
should be marked on the configuration label.
The service parameters are described in 3.6.3 and are determined by using 95 FUNCT local printing and 944
FUNCT forward/reverse printing as described below. Parameter values are changed with the
A and
B keys.
After changing a parameter, use 95 and 944 FUNCT to obtain new print samples. Measure all distances
again and re-adjust if necessary.
TOP OFFSET is set so the distance from the top document edge to the center of the first line printed by 95
FUNCT is located as specified by LINE #1 = .XXX under 92 FUNCT.
INDEX OFFSET sets the distance that a document moves after it is semi-automatically inserted. To adjust
this parameter, configure 92 FUNCT for BEGIN PRINTING AFTER ENTER KEY. Insert a document and then
move it slightly into the printer with the
A key. Draw a line across the document directly beneath the front
edge of the metal input guide above the document. Press ENTER and the document will be repositioned. Set
the INDEX OFFSET so that the first line printed by 95 FUNCT is centered on the line drawn across the
LEFT OFFSET is set so the carriage can still move leftward from its position after document insertion 0.01" to
0.02" (0.3 to 0.5mm) before it is stopped by mechanical interference.
LEFT MARGIN is set so the distance from the left document edge to the left edge of the first character printed
by 95 FUNCT is 0.20" (5.1mm)
CAR ALIGN is set so that the center of 80 character lines printed from right to left align with those printed left
to right by 95 FUNCT.
944 FUNCT prints a line of X's advances the document 10", prints another line of X's, reverses the document
10", prints a line of O's, advances the document 10", prints another line of O's and then ejects the document.
It is used to set the following three parameters.
FORWARD COMPENSATION is set so that the distance between lines of X's printed by 944 FUNCT is
10.00" (254mm) +/- 0.02” (0.5mm)
REVERSE COMPENSATION is set so that the line of O's printed at the top of the page overlaps the line of
X's within 0.02” (0.5mm).
EJECT HOLD OFFSET is set so that when a document printed by 944 FUNCT is ejected it is still held in the
front drive rollers but can be removed by pulling gently on the document.
CONFIGURATION selects certain custom operating features and should not be set to a value other than
shown on the configuration label without contacting the factory.
NORMAL DARKNESS (DP7 only) Lower values reduce darkness and increase ribbon life at normal print
speed. Select the lowest value that provides suitable legibility on thick forms. CQ DARKNESS similarly
controls darkness at correspondence quality print speed.
There are no electrical adjustments required.
Do not adjust the preset potentiometer on the main PCB
without consulting the factory.