A document may be test printed by pressing 9 1 FUNCT. SELF TEST is displayed until a document is
inserted. Then CHAR LENGTH = 30 is displayed. Press
A to select CHAR LENGTH = 80. (30 characters
requires a document at least 3 1/2" wide, 80 characters requires 8 1/2".) Do not print across a vertical fold or
document edge. Press ENTER to print the top and bottom lines of the document and then eject it.
In addition to Self Test function 91, it is possible to print several variable length lines without host commands.
Proceed as follows:
1. Insert a form manually or automatically and then press 9 5 FUNCT.
2. In response to CHAR LENGTH = 30, key in a two digit number of characters per line and then press
ENTER. Insure that printing will not occur across a fold or document edge.
3. In response to LINE COUNT = 01, key in a 2 digit number of lines.
4. Each time ENTER is pressed, that number of lines will be printed.
5. Press EJECT to eject the document and CLEAR to clear the display.
3.10.1 Power Failure
All Configuration Parameters are stored in a non-volatile memory. Power up diagnostics display POWER
FAILURE if an error is detected in that memory. It is now necessary to re-enter the parameters. Press
FUNCT to begin the prompting sequence. The factory set values for the Service Parameters are listed on
the label next to the display inside the printer.
3.10.2 Document Jam
In the unlikely event that a document becomes jammed in the printer, printing will stop and "DOCUMENT
JAM" will be displayed. The operator must clear the jam condition by moving the printhead left as far as
possible and removing the document from the printer.
3.10.3 Cover Open
If the printer lid is removed to replace a ribbon cartridge or clear a document jam, COVER OPEN is displayed
and printing is disabled. Printing will resume 3 seconds after the lid is replaced.
3.10.4 Page Overflow
If the printer is commanded to move past the last printable line on a document it will eject the document and
display PAGE OVERFLOW INSERT NEXT PAGE. Printing will resume when another document is inserted.
3.10.5 Carriage Fault
This message will be displayed if the carriage could not move to the left margin and is probably caused by a
jammed carriage, bad motor driver fuse or a bad left home sensor.