8. Configuration / Skin
This is a general Preference window of jetAudio. As you can see in Figure
8.1, the window can be divided mainly into two; one is file and CD related
and the other is disc related such as DVD. In Disc preference, you can
select Audio CD or DVD and in File preference, you can select file
connecting modes.
8-1 General Preference
[Figure 8.1 General Setting for jetAudio ]
Figure 8.1 is a general preference window of jetAudio
1. General
Playback: During the playback of a file, if you click Pause the file will be
moved forward or backward slightly so that you can have the feeling of
continuity without interruption.
Wheel Mouse : Can select wheel modes of Mouse wheel
Do Nothing : No selection may be made.
Go FF / Go Backward : By turning the wheel you can move forward
or backward.