Kendall SCD 700 Series
• Once the Garment Detection procedure is completed and any garment mismatch errors are addressed, the A and B
button(s) will be disabled and normal operation begins by starting the compression therapy.
• If only one Controller port is connected to a garment for single-limb compression, then the User-selected garment
(or the default) configuration setting (Leg or Foot) for the open port will be ignored and both the leg and foot will
be grayed out such as the example shown below (FIGURE 2).
• If any garments are not properly detected or if no garments are attached to the Controller, the system will trigger
an E13 alarm. See section IV (Fault Conditions and Troubleshooting) in this manual. Check the garment applica-
tion and tubing connections. In this case, either the system can be turned off and restarted or the corresponding
A and B Button(s) can be pressed to confirm problem resolution and operation will continue without having to
power the controller down and restarting.
Normal Operation and Pressure Adjustment
• Verify that the corresponding garment images match the disposable garment(s) applied to the patient.
• The Controller automatically begins the process of applying intermittent compression alternating between limbs
or to one if only one garment is applied
• On successive cycles, the controller automatically adjusts its operating parameters to maintain set pressure.
• The pressure setting depends on the type of garment: 45 mmHg for Leg Sleeves; 130 mmHg for Foot Cuffs.
Vascular Refill Detection
• The Kendall SCD 700 Series Compression System incorporates Covidien’s patented “Vascular Refill Detection”
method to customize the therapy for each patient’s physiology. This system measures the time it takes for the
veins in the limb to refill after having been compressed by the system. The time is then used in subsequent cycles
as the time between compressions.
• The Vascular Refill Detection method is used when first powering on the System after it reaches set pressure and
every thirty minutes thereafter.
• The method works best when the patient is still, however it will accommodate movement.
• If an error is detected during any measurement or if the compression is not within the System pressure specifica-
tions, the refill time measurement will be repeated after the next compression cycle.
• The time between compressions on the same limb will never be shorter than twenty seconds or longer than sixty
• If both Controller ports are being used, then the longer of the two measurements will be used to adjust the time
between cycles.