Document : CS-SUP-MUTI-WPORTAPP-E02.sxw
Principle of the selective Polling mode
Only the modules which belong to the interrogated group are synchronized on the transmitter. A module will
respond to a selective polling request only on the following conditions :
it belongs to the interrogated group,
its radio address is contained in the list of the interrogated modules (POLLING_ROUTE).
Synchronization allows a faster response of the modules (Since it don't use Long WakeUp) and optimize
Attention, when interrogating a WaveTherm module in Polling mode, the reading time of a temperature
can be much longer than the default POLLING_TIME value. In this case, this parameter shall be increased
- DALLAS Probe: reading in 800ms by probe
- Probe PT100, PT1000: the reading time depends on the index of precision. (max. 3 seconds)
The procedure to be followed, to initiate a request in selective polling mode, is :
To configure table
, with all the addresses of modules to be interrogated ;
by transmitting a request of modification of internal parameter
To configure the group number of each distant equipments contained in the table
) ;
by transmitting a request of modification of internal parameter
To choose the group to interrogate, and transmit the polling request.
When a WaveCard (or WavePort) is the receiver of a selective Polling request, the user must specify to
which group WaveCard belongs. For that, it is necessary to configure parameter
, with the number of selected group.
Attention not to confuse this parameter with the parameter GROUP_NUMBER which gives the number of
group to be reached, when WaveCard is transmitting a selective Polling request.
WaveCard user handbook
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