Cooper Bussmann 615M-1 Cellular Data Modem and IP Router Series Manual
Rev Version 1.0
ASK Message Format
xxx: ASCII-encoded hex target descriptor,
composed of three fields <F1><F2><F3>
<F1> Operation being performed
0 Acknowledging an alarm or opening a digital output
1 Closing a digital output
2 Read Request for an input (analog or digital)
3-F Reserved for future use
<F2> Class of I/O being operated on
0 Digital input
1 Analog input
2 Digital output (contact closure)
3-F Reserved for future use
<F3> I/O Channel number
Digital Inputs
0 Ignition sense
1 DIN1
2 DIN2
3-F Reserved for Future use
Analog Input
0 615M-1 input voltage sense
1 Modem PCB temperature sense
2 AIN1
3 AIN2
4-F Reserved for Future use
Digital Output
0 DO1 (COM1/NO1)
1 DO2 (COM2/NO2)
2-F Reserved for Future use
hh: NMEA-compliant checksum
Example: Acknowledge a “Cell module temperature out of range” alarm.