on. A check mark will appear next to this opAon when it is enabled. You can enable or
disable this opAon by selecAng it in the Dot Icon Menu.
Revert to Defaults
erases any custom seKngs made or changes made to the original
seKngs that were included when the Shu0le soOware was first installed.
New SeKngs
allows you to create new seKngs, either from empty seKngs, or copying
All Se.ngs
or the current applicaAon selected in the ApplicaAon SeKngs column.
Duplicate SeKngs
will create an exact copy of the seKng you have selected in the
ApplicaAon SeKngs column. The new seKng will show up under the User heading in the
seKngs list column.
Copy To New SeKngs
allows you to create new seKngs, referencing applicaAon seKngs
that have already been created.
Import SeKngs
allows you to add a new seKng created by Contour Design, or
another Shu0le user, to the exisAng seKngs list. SeKngs must be made with Shu0le
Driver for Mac Version 3 or later.
Export SeKngs
allows you to export the selected seKng in order to share it with other
users or back it up for security. The file that is created will be located in the folder of your
Remove SeKngs
allows you to remove the selected seKng from the ApplicaAon
SeKng Menu.
Rename SeKngs
allows you to change the selected seKng name. This command is
allowed for the
All Se.ngs
(default) group.
Export SeKngs Info
will create a visual map of the contents of the Comment field
of the acAons associated to each of the Shu0le components for all the applicaAons
listed in the ApplicaAon SeKng Menu.