Q: My Shu/le device does not funcIon: when I open the Control Panel it displays the message
"No Device Found".
A: Please try the following:
Log in using an Administrator account.
Launch "/ApplicaAons/UAliAes/Disk UAlity".
Go to the "First Aid" tab, select the boot disk in the list on the leO side of the window, then
click "Repair Disk Permissions".
Wait unAl the repair process is done-‐ usually takes several minutes.
Launch "/ApplicaAons/UAliAes/Terminal".
Type "sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions" and hit return.
When prompted for a password, enter the Administrator password (i.e. the password of the
Admin account you logged it with).
Restart your Mac.
(For iniAal tesAng please plug the Shu0le device directly into one of the USB ports on the system.)
Q: Why is the Shu/le Helper icon missing from all user accounts except the one in which I
installed the driver from?
A: You must open the Contour Shu0le applicaAon (located in your ApplicaAons folder) once for
each user account. The icon will then appear each Ame that user logs in.
Q: How do I switch between different seKngs within the same applicaIon?
A: If there is more than one applicaAon seKng for an applicaAon, you can switch seKngs by
selecAng it through the Shu0le Device Helper or by programming a bu0on to switch the seKngs.
Please refer to chapter 4 for guidance on how to accomplish this.