Scroll up and down using the jog and shuttle dials,
Use the leO and right arrows on the Shu0le ring posiAons by varying the frequency.
All ApplicaAons are modified the same way you modify any other seKng -‐ by following the steps
in secAons 3.4 and 3.3.
4 MulIple applicaIon seKngs
Some applicaAons (i.e. Adobe Premiere or Final Cut) allow mulAple modes of usage.
Contour Design provides mulAple sets of applicaAon seKngs for some of these applicaAons in the
installaAon package. You can switch between these seKngs through the Shu0le Device Helper, or
by programming a Shu0le component (such as a button) to perform the switch. You can also create
alternate versions of any applicaAon seKng for your own liking, and switch between them in the
same fashion.
4.1 Switch SeKngs Through the Shu/le Device Helper
If you are using an applicaAon with mulAple applicaAon seKngs, you can switch between them
quickly via the Shu0le Device Helper.
To switch seKngs or modes, do the following;
When the desired applicaAon is open and in the foreground, click the Shu0le Device
Helper (Found in the Menu Icon. Refer to secAon 2.2)
Note that the Shu0le Device Helper has each seKng currently installed for the
desired applicaAon listed. The current acAve seKng is shown by a small check mark.
Click the seKng you want to use, see Figure 4.1.