1.1.2 Installation Procedure
It is recommended that you close all other applicaAons that are running on your system and
that you disable any virus protecAon soOware unAl aOer the installaAon is complete.
If you have any previous Shu0le devices driver installed on your system, please refer to
chapter 7 (UpdaAng or Uninstalling your Shu0le device SoOware) before proceeding.
Step 1.
Download Contour Shu0le driver for Mac
Locate and
click on the .dmg file. It may be in
your Downloads folder.
Step 2.
An install window will open. Double-‐click on the Contour Shu0le icon, as shown in Figure
Step 3.
The Contour Shu0le Installer will open and guide you through the rest of the installaAon.
Type your password if necessary at the prompt to begin the install.
Step 4.
Once the installaAon is completed, you will be required to restart your computer.
Step 5.
(opAonal) It is recommended you fix your disk permissions aOer you install new soOware.
Please see this Apple Knowledge Base arAcle for more info:
Figure 1.1.2