4. Setup and Status Display
FXA3000 Series
▼Basic Information (Station)
Shown when the unit type is station.
Wireless Networking Standard
Shows the current wireless networking standard. This is hidden when the device is not logged in to an
access point.
Dual Channel (Bandwidth)
Shows the bandwidth when the current wireless networking standard is IEEE 802.11n. When dual
channel mode is disabled, 20 MHz is always shown. When enabled, 20 MHz or 40 MHz is shown
depending on the access point settings.
Wireless Infrastructure Mode
Shows the configured wireless infrastructure mode.
Wireless MAC Address
Shows the wireless MAC address.
Shows the current channel. This is hidden when the device is not logged in to an access point.
Shows the configured ESSID.
Assigned AP
Shows the wireless MAC address for the access point currently logged in to.
This is hidden when the device is not logged in to an access point.
Shows the RSSI which indicates the signal strength for the wireless connection for the access point
currently logged in to.
This is hidden when the device is not logged in to an access point.
TX Rate
Shows the TX Rate for the wireless connection for the access point currently logged in to.
This is hidden when the device is not logged in to an access point.
RX Rate
Shows the reception rate for the wireless connection for the access point currently logged in to. This is
hidden when the device is not logged in to an access point.